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LSM9DS1 Gyroscope/Accelerometer Data ready interrupt not working


I am trying to get the an values ready interrupt working, but I cannot seem to find the right configuration of registers. Normal threshold interrupts are working as expected.

After the normal setup and using all different speeds ODR, when setting INT1_CTRL to INT_DRDY_XL active, I do not get any interrupts. The oscilloscope shows no change as well on either H_LACTIVE as well. Is there a sample that can be provided which has a working implementation of the interrupt working? So far all public sources have non working code. 

As an MCU I am using an ESP32 and Arduino.

Here is my current initialisation:

// Enable accelerometer
writeRegister(0x1F, 0x38); // CTRL_REG5_XL - Enable XYZ axes
writeRegister(0x20, 0x60); // CTRL_REG6_XL - ODR 952 Hz

// Set up interrupt generator and DRDY
writeRegister(INT1_CTRL, 0x01); // Enable IG_XL (bit 6) and DRDY_XL (bit 0)
writeRegister(CTRL_REG8, 0x00); // Active HIGH, push-pull