2015-12-17 01:37 PM
I have a LSM9DS0 that I am trying to get operational. My I2C is working since I can read the correct values for both WHO_AM_I registers. I can also read back a control register and the data read matches what was written. The Gyro readings are not stable and don't look correct. I am operating in fifo bypass mode. I've disabled two of the axes via the control register and those axes continue to update and move around. I would think that there would not be any updates to a disabled axis. I am oring the function register with a 0x80 for a multibyte read and I believe that the I2C is working. Should the disable axes be moving on me? Are there any configuration items that can cause this kind of behavior?
Thanks, John #i2c-lsm9ds02016-02-04 01:45 PM
I've got a similar problem. The gyro has just constant values. All 3 axes are on but they stay constant. That even happens from time to time with the acceleration output. Usually switching the device on/off resolves it. I've got no idea how to resolve it. I was hoping somebody from ST could help.
2016-02-04 01:58 PM
This is actually take verbatim from this github code (
) and should work (I've tried many different configs). I actually don't need the interrupts but on the other hand they won't harm either for testing. // GYRO gyro_txrx(GYROTYPE, LSM9DS0_REGISTER_CTRL_REG1_G, 0x0f); gyro_txrx(GYROTYPE, LSM9DS0_REGISTER_CTRL_REG2_G, 0x30); gyro_txrx(GYROTYPE, LSM9DS0_REGISTER_CTRL_REG3_G, 0x88); gyro_txrx(GYROTYPE, LSM9DS0_REGISTER_CTRL_REG4_G, 0x00); gyro_txrx(GYROTYPE, LSM9DS0_REGISTER_CTRL_REG5_G, 0x10); here is some sample data in the format: -1,timestamp,ax,ay,az,gx,gy,gz,mx,my,mz,,,, the gyro data is constant: -1,4484,32834,32615,34048,28004,27718,32769,33482,31668,37950,c0,8875913,8248723 -1,4485,32838,32605,34042,28004,27718,32769,33482,31668,37950,c0,8875712,8277381 -1,4486,32850,32589,34042,28004,27718,32769,33482,31668,37950,c0,8875863,8255033 -1,4487,32850,32608,34049,28004,27718,32769,33536,31661,37900,c0,8875814,8262740 -1,4488,32834,32596,34056,28004,27718,32769,33536,31661,37900,c0,8875751,8272598 -1,4489,32842,32608,34043,28004,27718,32769,33536,31661,37900,c0,8875976,8248838 -1,4490,32826,32613,34050,28004,27718,32769,33536,31661,37900,c0,8875701,8277438 -1,4491,32832,32596,34037,28004,27718,32769,33536,31661,37900,c0,8875850,8254841 -1,4492,32831,32600,34039,28004,27718,32769,33536,31661,37900,c0,8875886,8263068 -1,4493,32831,32611,34046,28004,27718,32769,33536,31661,37900,c0,8875797,8272356