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LSM6DSV32X Power Modes



I am working on migrating from the LSM6DSO32 to the LSM6DSV32X for my application.  My primary interest in the newer part is the increased gyro range to 4000dps.  I am trying to keep the operation of the device similar to what I am using now.

Some of the operating modes have changed and I have a couple of questions.

  1. The gyroscope no longer has a "Normal" mode.  Is "Low Power" mode the next best option to use?  If not, which is?
  2. The accelerometer no longer has "Ultra Low Power (ULP)" mode.  It appears the lowest power option available is LPM1.  Is this correct?  Also, throughout the datasheet, LPM1 is noted as "2 mean."  Can this be explained more?  Does this factor into the decision of what data rate I need to select (for example if I was using 12.5 Hz previously, would choosing 15 Hz yield the closest performance or would I have to choose double that to account for some sort of filtering?)

To add to my inquiry, it appears that, at the lowest ODR setting, LPM1 on the LSM6DSV32X consumes about the same amount of power as ULP mode on the LSM6DSO32.  However, at the highest ODR (52Hz for the DSO and 60Hz for the DSV), the LSM6DSV32X consumes almost twice as much power.  For our application we're planning on using a data rate in between (12.5Hz on the DSO, 15Hz on the DSV).  Does the power increase linearly with ODR setting; is there more data available about power consumption versus ODR for both chips?