2019-10-17 03:03 AM
Hello together,
I´m evaluating the IMU LMS6DSM for some ACC applications. Therefore I have two Interrupt Scenarios:
For the LMS6DSM i only found:
Free Fall
Wrist tilt
significant Motion
Is there any possibility to rebuilt this functionality
2019-10-18 07:55 AM
Hi @CWint.176 , so you would like to raise an interrupt when the accelerometer data exceed a certain value on a certain axis, right? And another interrupt when the frequency of the acceleration goes above a certain frequency threshold?
In the 1st case, you can use the Significant motion embedded feature, where you can set the SM_THS_[7:0] bits while the pedometer is not active: you will get an interrupt on the selected axis in case you exceed that threshold. The 2nd case is more tricky... you could maybe use the tilt function, setting the maximum tilt in a predefined time window, or setting a time threshold on the movement duration.
Btw please note that you would broadly expand your applications using the finite state machine or the machine learning core of LSM6DSO / LSM6DSOX: in this case you can train a decision tree with precise thresholds for your applications.