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LIS3DH operation without controller?

Ivan Bravo
Posted on July 10, 2018 at 01:57


Would it be possible to run the LIS3DH accelerometer without a controller? I know one would be required to program the registers for device configuration, but would it be possible to configure it just once, then remove the controller aspect. For context, I would like to use the freefall interrupt feature to trigger something. I would only need the interrupt feature and I wouldn't really need to gather the data. Would I be able to write my configs to flash memory, then remove the controller and still be able to detect interrupts? 

Miroslav BATEK
ST Employee
Posted on July 13, 2018 at 11:15

Please be aware that the senor doesn't retain the configuration if the VDD is disconnected.

You can detect freefall without any communication with microcontroller, only interrupt pin will be triggered, but you need to configure the sensor each power up.