2015-06-07 10:15 AM
For LIS3DH, the datasheet mentions two user programmable interrupts INT1 and INT2. Though config, threshold, duration etc. (INT1_CFG, INT1_SRC, INT1_THS, INT1_DURATION) registers are listed for INT1, no such registers for INT2 was listed in the register mappings. Is INT2 configuration and functionality different from that of INT1? This was not clear to me from the datasheet or application note of LIS3DH. Please help.Thanks,Rihana #lis3dh #interrupt #int22015-08-13 11:02 AM
I am exactly with the same doubt.Rihana did you get any answer?2016-03-16 10:42 PM
Mee to.
I want to detect both changes in orientation plus freefall. Wich is said to be supported. Yet, how do you setup INT2? ST??2016-03-29 3:20 AM
Exactly same situation!!!!