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LIS2DW12 Unable to communicate through I2C




I am using the LIS2DW12 on my board communicating over I2C with the nRF52840.  I have not yet been able to communicate with the accelerometer at all, and all attempts to read or write end the same way (see screenshot)

I have the CS and SA0 lines both pulled up to VDD, and VDDIO is tied to VDD because they are the same voltage, 1.8V.  Could there be an issue with VDD and VDDIO being the same rail? 


Should work as described. Look for other causes.

Check the schematic, check the pins/orientation

Try both the (0x18<< 1) and (0x19<< 1) addresses (high order 7-bit)

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from ds

>  If the SA0/SDO pin is connected to the supply voltage, the address is 0011001b,

So use 0x32 / 0x33 (w/r) as its address .

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