2019-03-15 2:24 AM
We understood the ODR and correlated filtering. A following micro-controller application performs further filtering with averaging values to 10 per second. Aimed is calculating an angle derived from the rotational speed. Precision should be about or better than 1degree in a minute, e.g. about 0.016dps.
Regarding the precision: which is better:
2019-03-18 7:03 AM
hi pl, please consider that for ODR>400Hz you are in HP mode, and the rate noise density in high-performance mode by datasheet is independent of the ODR setting. If you are interested in slow rotation and you don't need a large bandwidth, you could can select the minimum FS +-125 and an ODR of about 400Hz with less values for averaging and less power consumption. Having more samples will reduce your noise (sqrt(n)), but being the LSB 4mdps you should be able anyway to detect a 0.016dps rotation also with less averages. Regards