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I3G4250D Read the temperature

Associate II


I am using a I3G4250D gyroscope and would like read the temperature. 

Currently, I read 246 (in decimal) in my register 0x26.

In two's complement, it is equivalent to -9. 




Then I have to multiply by -1 so -9 * -1 = 9°C (I am not sure)
But It is the summer, and 9°C for a measure of temperature is not possible. I read 10 times the datasheet but no one information to convert the data from register into °C.

Can you help me please ? It will be great to edit the datasheet to give a formule to transform the raw data in °C.



Federica Bossi
ST Employee

Hi @TomBr ,

You could try to check your code with our PID examples on github where you can find the temperature reading implementation.


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Unfortunately, in your github example, you get only the raw data of temperature and not the data processed...