2017-02-26 11:17 PM
Hello everyone,
In the data sheet of LSM9DS1, it is stated in the first page that the device supports:
Position and motion detection functions
Click/double-click recognition
However I cannot find anywhere in the data sheet describing how to use the features? Could someone help me on this? Thanks a lot!
#lsm9ds1-click-detection2017-02-27 1:34 AM
Position and motion detection functions:
- interrupt can be generated if acceleration is above or below certain value in one or more axis for certain time
- it can be configured in registers INT_GEN_CFG_XL (06h), INT_GEN_THS_X_XL (07h), INT_GEN_THS_Y_XL (08h), INT_GEN_DUR_XL (0Ah)
- there are similar registers for gyroscope
I thinks the Click/double-click recognition is not available in LSM9DS1 and it is mistake in the datasheet but, I will double check it.
2017-02-27 6:37 AM
I confirm, c
lick/double-click recognition is not available in LSM9DS1.
It is a mistake
on the first page of datasheet.