2023-12-07 2:40 AM
Hi, im using the IMP23ABSU Analog MEMS Microphone to detect leakages. As mic configuration is use
"id": 7,
"name": "IMP23ABSU",
"sensorDescriptor": {
"subSensorDescriptor": [
"id": 0,
"sensorType": "MIC",
"dimensions": 1,
"dimensionsLabel": [
"unit": "Waveform",
"dataType": "int16_t",
"FS": [
"ODR": [
"samplesPerTs": {
"min": 0,
"max": 1000,
"dataType": "int16_t"
"sensorStatus": {
"subSensorStatus": [
"ODR": 192000,
"ODRMeasured": 192000,
"initialOffset": 0.19303,
"FS": 130,
"sensitivity": 1,
"isActive": true,
"samplesPerTs": 1000,
"usbDataPacketSize": 4096,
"sdWriteBufferSize": 136192,
"wifiDataPacketSize": 0,
"comChannelNumber": -1,
"ucfLoaded": false
hoping that it samples at 192kHz. Is the sampling rate (192kHz) actually used indefinitly everywhere even in the ADC? The data-output must be plotted using 192kHz, right?
This is the signal in time- and frequency-domain after normalizing it to Volt and using mean-removal, detrend and a high-pass filter at 500Hz. Im only interested in the one-sided spectrum so i discarded the other half (negative frequencies) and corrected the FFT by 2/nfft where nfft is the length of the fft.
As you can see, its crucial to know the actual sampling frequency used since my plots heavily depend on it (ploting from 0 to Fs/2).