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Connection to iNEMO using MATLAB

Posted on March 22, 2012 at 17:45


I am trying to get Data from several iNEMO2 MEMS using MatLab. My Code is the following:

    if not(libisloaded('lib'))

    [notfound, warnings] = loadlibrary('iNEMO2_SDK.dll', 'iNEMO2_SDK.h', 'alias', 'lib');


Calling the functions libisloaded('lib') afterwards, returns a 1, so the libary has been loaded. I also can see the functions I am able to use.

The COMPort the device is connected to is: 3

The Sensor reacts on using the iNEMO Suite 2.0.

If I try to connect to the sensor using MatLab as follows:

      sCOMa = strcat('PL=PL_001{PN=COM', 3, ',SENDMODE=B}');

      [handle_devA] = calllib('lib', 'INEMO2_Connect', sCOMa);

      con = calllib('lib', 'INEMO2_IsConnect', handle_devA)

the variable 'con' is set 0. So the device is not connected and I do not get any Data.

I do the same procedure for several iNEMO Devices, giving each Device another handler and connect to another COMPort.

Are the commands and parameters I use to establish the connection correct? I hope someone can help me solving my problem.

Thanking you in anticipation!