2023-10-06 3:31 AM
I have received the STEVAL-STWINBX1 evaluation kit and am trying different demos to see how it works.
At first I was programming the board with different examples (STM32CubeFunctionPack_STBOX1_V1.5.0) but I was having problems afterwards. Once the programming was done, I was trying to connect to the board via BLE Sensor App but my board didn't appear until I pressed RESET. Then, I read an issue on this community where a user was having a similar problem and the solution was to program the binary file on Bank 2 (Start address: 0x08100000).
The problem still persists but now, once I connect the board to my computer, the computer doesn't detect it and the only LED blinking is LED_C. I don't know what to do, because I can't reset the board and I can't connect it to the computer either to program it again...
Any suggestions?
2023-10-06 3:33 AM
Forgot to say I'm trying to detect the board with the computer pressing USER button before connecting it to the computer, but still it doesn't work.