2018-08-10 7:45 PM
On about 15% of the boards in my latest production run I am able to access the accel/gyro registers over the I2C bus but cannot access the magnetometer registers. As a simple test I am trying to read the WHO_AM_I register (0x0F) for both. I get the correct response from the accel/gyro and do not get any response from the magnetometer. I'm confused because the same code is used for both sets of registers (and it is the same code that is on the 85% of the boards that work fine). The fact that I can access the accel/gyro registers tells me that the I2C bus between the MCU and the LSM9DS1 is working properly as well.
I'd appreciate any insights anyone has on what to try or where to look to solve this problem.
2018-10-23 9:00 AM
It looks like soldering issue.
The pin CS_M or SDO_M are not it the correct state.