2018-08-09 09:19 AM
Hi All,
I can read successfully in burst mode "MS bit is set to '1'" the data from output registers X_L, X_H, Y_L,Y_H,Z_L and Z_H.
But if i add temperature data TEMP_OUT_L, TEMP_OUT_H into read frame the temperature value is not read.
Rx buffer after reading 9 bytes, start adress = 0x28 "OUT_X_L"
dummy ; X_L ; X_H ; Y_L ; Y_H ; Z_L ; Z_H ; X_L ; X_H
Rx buffer after reading 15 bytes, start adress = 0x28 "OUT_X_L"
dummy ; X_L ; X_H ; Y_L ; Y_H ; Z_L ; Z_H ; X_L ; X_H ; Y_L ; Y_H ; Z_L ; Z_H ; X_L ; X_H
It seems like auto-increment register address option work only for magnetometer data and when reached adress 0x2D "Z_H" then is reset to 0x28 X_L for next read.
Could some one confirm this behavior. Or did I overlook something in datasheet ;)
Have a nice day.
2018-10-23 09:05 AM
Yes, I can confirm it is, it is standard behavior.