2016-12-12 7:27 PM
hi, all
I want to enable STEVAL-MKI119V1 on Windows platform, but without an available software. I contacted the STMicroelectronics Support team, but they told me that product STEVAL-MKI119V1 is obsolete, they do not retain any information or data on obsolete products.
Fortunately, they also told me that there are also online distributors that still have in-stock inventory, so some will still have
access to information and documentation concerning this product. That's why I come here. If someone could help would be very appreciated.
BTW, if someone could help propose an alternative product that have the he same capabilities with STEVAL-MKI119V1 would be great.
My purpose is to find an available device which has the ability to access sensors(Ambient Light, Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetometer, the more the better) from Windows(Win 7, Win 8, Win 10), and of cause there should be an available software to enable it.
I also google and find an build at
But unfortunately, there's no available DFU file when I upgrading the Firmware.
2017-01-17 5:05 AM
the STEVAL-MKI119V1 was composed by STEVAL-MKI109V2 and STEVAL-MKI108V2, the first one is still present on web, but I suggest to move on STEVAL-MKI109V3. As regard the STEVAL-MKI108V2 it does offer a 9-axis system: gyroscope + accelerometer and magnetometer. You can use the STEVAL-MKI159V1 containing LSM9DS1 (a single chip with all the axes).
Or in a full complete different way you can move on STM32ODE environment, take a look to
All the Best