2021-11-23 8:05 AM
ADC Sampling rate :-
Total Conversion Time (Tconv) = Samplingtime + 12 (This 12 is for 12-bit resolution of ADC). If I set 12.5 Cycles in MX based on the settings of the controller STM32L9RI
My ADCCLK Cycle will be =24.5 . Please confirm whether 12 to be added for calculation
2. The below is DMA Setting
Added DMA Setting as ADC1
In STM32Cube MX if the PCLK2/Prescalar value is 64 MhZ Which is 0.016 us
Total sampling time is therefore:
= 24.5 * 0.016 us = 0.392 us
Sample Rate = 1/.392 which is 2.55 MHz.