2014-01-09 10:53 PM
I am sorry that I post a question about pressure sensor at accelerometer forum, but I can't find a forum about barometric pressure sensor.
I hope to know the wake up time of the chip from the power down to ready status for the measurement.I also need to know the measurement and conversion time for the highest resolution sampling. Or is there anyone else who can tell me where I should post this question. #about-lps25h2014-01-17 4:31 AM
Hello Wang,
That is not a problem, please feel free to post your questions.
Wake time from power down to ‘communication ready’ is a few mS, we recommend 5mS to 10mS.
High res mode, acquisition time is about 62.5*(Pavg+Tavg)+1.545ms = 41.5mS .
By the way, we are recommending LPS25HTR for new designs, if you are developing a new product, please refer to this item!
Thank you,
2014-01-19 1:12 AM
Thanks very much for you help and recommendation. Could you produce the computation details about ''62.5*(Pavg+Tavg)+1.545ms = 41.5mS''? What is ''62.5''? What are ''Pavg'' and ''Tavg''? What is ''1.545ms''?I can not find these parameters in the datasheet. Besides, about LPS25HTR, what are the Wake time from power down to ‘communication ready’ and acquisition time in high resolution mode for this chip? I think this chip is very good. Changhong2014-01-28 7:40 PM
Thanks very much for you help and recommendation. Could you produce the computation details about ''62.5*(Pavg+Tavg)+1.545ms = 41.5mS''? What is ''62.5''? What are ''Pavg'' and ''Tavg''? What is ''1.545ms''?I can not find these parameters in the datasheet.Besides, about LPS25HTR, what are the Wake time from power down to ‘communication ready’ and acquisition time in high resolution mode for this chip? I think this chip is very good.Changhong2014-02-17 10:43 AM
2014-02-17 3:24 PM
Hi, Thiago,
Could you provide the computation details about ''62.5*(Pavg+Tavg)+1.545ms = 41.5ms''? What is ''62.5''? What are ''Pavg'' and ''Tavg''? What is ''1.545ms''?I can not find these parameters in the datasheet. I want to know what effect the different resolution bring on the conversion time.Besides, I am looking forward the parameters of new chip, LPS25H.2014-07-24 3:09 AM