2017-04-04 10:10 PM
Hello i m trying to write data file to sdcard using fatfs module and spi interface.. bt somehow i m not able to write to sdcard.. can anyone please suggest the way to do it?
2017-04-05 11:40 AM
Is this a question related to some connectivity module or IC? Please argument your issue
2017-04-10 7:12 AM
actually, I m trying to externally interface sdcard using SPI interface, the sdcard slot is used for external interface, but the using of FATfs library i am not able to find any linkage o FATFS lib and spi(where my sdcard is connected in hardware), does FATFS have any coniguration made for spi interface...
2017-04-10 10:56 AM
Are you talking about SPWF04S module? This forum is dedicated to WiFi modules...
2017-04-10 11:06 AM
Learn to frame your questions with enough context so people other than you, with no psychic insight into the boards and chips you are using, stand some chance to understand wtf you are doing and with what...