2016-07-26 10:08 AM
I am consistently getting this error (+WIND:5:WiFi Hardware Failure:5) and I don't understand why? It is a pain because the module keeps having to be reset and it is impossible to communicate on a socket since this keeps happening. Any suggestions?
#spwf01sa #spwf01sa.11 #+wind:52016-07-27 2:29 AM
Hi Jake,
probably you are using an old FW release. Which version? Please update to FW3.5.Regardsjerry2016-07-27 11:46 AM
Hello Jerry,
Thank you for getting back to me but I think I have the most up-to date version. I downloaded and installed the firmware off the website. When I so AT+S.STS I get the following for version: # version = 160129-c5bf5ce-SPWF01S Which was released Jan-29 2016 I believe, Please let me know if that is correct. Thank you, -Jake2016-07-27 11:48 PM
Hi Jake,
FW you are using is already 3.5. Latest one.I'm not able to reproduce this issue since a lot of time. Can you share your setup (module variables, AP model, socket usage, other...)? It's interesting you are so ''lucky'' to get this error in a sistematic way! Did you already try to use another AP?If you want to speedup the process, contact your distributor, or ST support.Thanksjerry2016-08-01 12:22 PM
Hello Jerry,
It seems that I am getting this Error ever since I have started using this specific AP by my desk. Before I was using a different AP that was open with poor signal so I switched to this AP that was setup for me by my desk. When I try to open a socket either secure or just a TCP/UDP about every other time it will show up with this Hardware Failure error (sometimes while the socket is open). I checked the memory using free_heap and I have plenty of free memory even when doing SSL connections. The AP I am using is the Linksys E2500. We have to have our network setup very secure so it is invisible and the AP must know the devices Mac address that is connecting to it, which I have provided. My desktop is able to use the AP just fine so I don't know why I am consistently getting this error. Thank you, -Jake2016-08-01 11:43 PM
Hi Jake,
HW dead is not a RAM issue, and it's not a TCP/IP problem. I hope it's something happens during a network lost, or a disassociation, or something like this. Can you please share a full log, so I can take a look at console output before the failure?Please share also AT&V dump. Is AP set to b/g/n mode?Unfortunately I haven't this specific AP...Regardsjerry2016-08-02 9:05 AM
Hi Jerry,
Attached is the terminal emulator output. I initially setup the connection with n mode enabled (I have tried it without and same results). The first thing I try is a PING and I get the Hardware Failure I then reset and try a sock connection and get a hardware failure. Please see attached. I want to note that when I switch to the other AP I can do PING and SOCK and secure SOCK and I have never gotten the hardware failure? Why is my desktop working with this AP and the module keeps getting Hardware failure? Thank you, -Jake ________________ Attachments : HardwareFailure.txt : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I1Ro&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bn7%2FtfthJ6YqEokhNpoZrAbYyqEldXJiIY9ehM06g_MIkoE&asPdf=false2016-08-03 1:48 AM
Hi Jake,
thanks for the log. I've never seen an HW failure without a WIND:31 before. I have some hypothesis, but I cannot confirm without some debugging.
Think I really need Linksys E2500 (N600, right?) to understand the root cause. Hope to find it. Otherwise, are you already in touch with ST offices, or distributor...?
2016-11-02 10:42 AM
I've also experienced WIND 5 (Hardware Failure 5) so I thought I would share my report on the issue.
I've tested the SPWF01SA Wi-Fi module in a area with high Wi-Fi congestion, connected to a Meraki network and have experienced connectivity problems.When the Wi-Fi module is connected to the Meraki network it occasionally stops responding to ping (ping from computer to SPWF01SA module). Sometimes it does not respond for 20 seconds, but usually it starts responding some time after that (if doing no other interaction to with the module).However, if I issue a HTTP GET request during the time that the module does not respond to ping, the module goes into a state where it stops responding at all.Example:AT+S.HTTPGET=,/,8080~8 minutes laterERROR: nothing received, increase ip_http_get_recv_timeout variable+WIND:5:WiFi Hardware Failure:5This issue seems to appear when the Wi-Fi module is in normal operation (AT+CFUN=0), whereas it does not seem to happen in power save mode (AT+CFUN=2). It also does not seem to matter if 802.11n operation is enabled or not, the issue is still present.Reproduction steps:1. Connect Wi-Fi module to Meraki network2. Start pinging the Wi-Fi module3. Wait until the Wi-Fi module stops responding to ping4. Issue HTTP GET request5. Wi-Fi module stops responding (eventual HW failure)The HTTP GET is not mandatory for HW Failure, it just speeds up the process.This problem did not occur previously in an area with less Wi-Fi congestion (at least not to this degree).Also, I'm not 100% sure, but I can't recall having this problem before updating from FW v3.3, but it is very easy to reproduce on FW v3.4 and v3.5.I have done limited testing with a different AP in this location (TP-LINK MR3020) and have so-far not been able to reproduce the issue fully (there is only one ping loss on occasion). Potentially interesting fact is that the Wi-Fi communication happens faster on the Meraki network compared to MR3020 as can be seen in the following ping test.100 pings on MR3020:100 packets transmitted, 99 packets received, 1.0% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 2.362/14.243/135.907/22.386 ms100 pings on Meraki:100 packets transmitted, 99 packets received, 1.0% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 1.772/4.189/27.654/4.250 msI'm wondering if there can be a potential race condition in the SPWF01SA firmware when the Wi-Fi communication is too fast?2017-02-04 3:30 AM
Up this thread!
Both problems have been reproduced. Fix is under testing.
Problem ♯ 1: Hardware Failure + WiFi Exception. It's confirmed that CFUN=2 (radio in powersave) has not this problem.
Problem ♯ 2: Hardware Failure
Thanks to mf and jake