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What is the limitation of EVALKITSTKNX?? I can change the code to do other apliations, for example adding more Keys or LEDs? I can export this project to other STM32 microcontrollers to do my own board?

ST Employee

Welcome, @Pablo González Ortega​, to the community!

The EVALKITSTKNX is initially only an evaluation platform with a given demonstration stack and binary from Tapko. A few LEDs or switches can be added via the source code (e.g. in evalkit_stknx.c, part of STSW-KITSTKNX).

However, the library is only available as a pre-compiled binary, so for larger changes, such as changing the MCU platform or to your own board, you should contact its manufacturer TAPKO and license their stack (if you cannot do this yourself).

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Good luck!


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