2015-08-05 3:02 PM
Reading and writing the SPIRIT1 radio registers directly, doesn't seem to work.
Here is one simple example...AT/SR36=10OKAT/SR36?36=88AT/V reports SP1ML-915 HW:V1 FW:V0.12Is there a more recent firmware version that addresses this?2015-08-05 3:23 PM
Also, does anyone know if the source code for the image that's programmed on this EVAL board is published?
2015-08-26 5:31 AM
The eval board does not integrate a dedicated FW but the same FW running on the SP1ML module, the eval is based on. For this reason we do not provide the related source code. From your log, it comes out you have a board with a very old FW version inside. It is the origin of the issue you report. The current fw version is 1.03 and it is also available on the ST website. Part number: STSW-SP1ML915AT. At/v SP1ML-915 HW:V1 FW:V1.03 at/sr36? 36=88 at/sr36=10 OK at/sr36? 36=10 Please refer to the UM1889 for a description of the tasks to be runned for the FW upgrade. Do not hesitate to contact us again in case of any other issue. With the Best Regards, ST Support2016-02-12 11:32 AM
Indeed the issue has been resolved by updating the firmware. Thanks.