2017-06-29 1:05 AM
I am using a SPWF04, and I am connecting it to PC using
STM32 Nucleo as USB2UART bridge ( This is running WiFi VCOM , STM32L476RG-Nucleo project.bin )
I am working on a project where I want to have a webpage on the SPWF04 (similar to the example applications). The SPWF04 will be in Wi-Fi AP mode, and allow connection from mobile devices. The mobile device will hit the webpage - which in turn will cause SSI calls to the SPWF04 module. I will then have micropython code on the SPWF04 that will receive the SSI call (through +WIND notifications) and will return the relevant data for the SSI field.The micropython will also have an open connection to UART/USB to a PC - and will send/receive messages on that port.
I am currently experiencing some issues that I hope you can help with:
1) Please could you confirm that for development purposes, I am using the
STM32 Nucleo as USB2UART bridge in the correct way i.e. using WiFi VCOM - or should i be using something else on the Nucleo?
2) Using TeraTerm, I connect to the SPWF04/Nucleo from PC/USB - with baud rate 115200 and with 1msec/char transmit delay (as recommended on a previous post). I have sometimes had issues wiht accessing the filesystem. i.e. When i sent AT+S.FSL - i get a response of AT-S.ERROR:50:Unable to access filesystem
What causes this? and how can i resolve it?
(UPDATE: I have noticed that I am getting a +WIND:7:Configuration Failure:13 - which from the documentation is detailed as '
13. Shown when APP disk cannot be mounted'. (AT+S.STS shows app_fs=0 and user_fs=0)3) I have tried connecting to the SWPF04/Nucleo from a python script running on the PC. This opens the serial port and sends AT commands (SWPF04 in console_enabled = 1 mode). Some of the characters of the AT command appear to get lost e.g. The script may send AT+RESET<cr> - but the response is 'AT+RSET unknown'.
2017-06-29 4:27 AM
1) you can use STM32 (+ VCOM application) or dedicated HW (like
) to send AT-commands;2) APP_Disk is intended to be always mounted. Probably you erased module's flash @ address 0x08100000. Download and flash again full image available online, or perform an OTA update on APP_Disk;
3) if you are using latest VCOM FW (v3.0.2), no more data loss should be in place. Please let me know if you are aligned with this version.
2017-06-29 6:36 AM
Thank you for clarifying
1) I will continue to use STM +VCOM
2) I have now updated the filesystem using a created filesystem and the FSUPDATE=i, command. I have noticed that the default files all seem to look correct (ie, filesize > 0) but for some of the html files that I have created the file is detailed in the FSL listing but the filesize is set to 0, so i need to look into why that has happened
3) I am using VCOM FW (v3.0.2). What settings are recommended when running from a PC using Python to open serial port, rather than TeraTerm. ( What do you need to set inter_byte_timeout' on the PySerial port ? and/or rtscts etc?)
2017-09-01 3:39 AM
I got the same error as I tried to enable WIFI depending on the content of a file so I set:
AT+S.SCFG=wifi_mode,3AT+S.WCFGAT+S.RESETI found out that you have to set WIFI=1 once after reset to be able to acces the filesystem. (firmware version 1.0.0)