2016-12-28 12:02 AM
Can anyone help me out on this issue? I have taken too much time on this...
en.fp-sns_flight1_firmware is the best referencing project which provides good example of pairing procedure and security issue on peripheral side..
But I can noy find good example for pairing procedure handling on central side which requires encypted physical link.
I followed a programme guide to implement pairing handling and security configuration but I always get pairing failure event.
#bluenrg-bluenrg-ms-central-encrypted-physical-link2017-01-05 11:57 PM
Really hope ST could provide such central referencing project.
2017-02-21 12:42 AM
If anyone is facing the same pairing failure when trying to use BlueNRG-MS as central board, please make sure FW version is at least 7.2c.
I have fixed this issue by doing so!