2019-08-27 7:59 AM
Dear all,
I have 2 NUCLEO-L476RG with 2 I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1 lora shield.
I plug the shield on the nucleo, connect the antenna, connect the nucleo on my computer, and I compile and load the ping_pong demo program sx1272mb2das from "en.i-cube_lrwan" into each nucleo board.
Then, i open 2 terminal com, with 115200 bauds, 8bits, parity none, 1 stop bit to see the ping pong message, but I only have TxTimeout and RxTimeout on each nucleo.
Can you help me to understand the problem ?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
2019-08-27 12:08 PM
This board https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/i-nucleo-lrwan1.html is NOT an SX1272MB2DAS board https://os.mbed.com/components/SX1272MB2xAS/ or https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/i-nucleo-sx1272d.html
You would need to be reprogramming the code inside the USI module, which gets to be a tad more complicated.
2019-08-27 10:18 PM
Thank you for your answer.
I see on the packaging of the I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1, in the getting started part : "Optional software examples that allow to handle the I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1 board are available in the I-CUBE-LRAWAN software package."
So I download the software package and I only find following projects :
Which one is the good one ??
If none of them, where is the software example to test the I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1 ?
2019-09-24 7:56 AM
Jerome, I have almost same situation as you, but have one L476RG and one L152RE NUCLEO board instead, and researched this issue a bit.
It seems that none of examples from I-CUBE-LRWAN are directly compatible with I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1. That is basically because WM-SG-SM-42 chip used in I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1 is communicating with NUCLEO board via UART through built-in STM32L052T8Y6 MCU which essentially converts SX1272 LoRa transciever to AT-modem, while examlpes in I-CUBE-LRWAN are aimed for direct communication with LoRa transciever via SPI. USI® releases patches for I-CUBE-LRWAN from time to time: https://github.com/USIWP1Module/USI_I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1/tree/master/I-CUBE-LRWAN_patchs/I-CUBE-LRWAN%201.1.5. Latest release is for version 1.1.5, while it is only 1.2.2 officially available, thus I cannot quickly test, if it is actually working. Maybe someone knows where to find older versions of I-CUBE-LRWAN?
Pros: 1) you (hopefully) don't have to deal with LoRa protocol timings as much, 2) familiar interface, if you already used AT-commands with GSM modems, for example. Cons: 1) no plug-and-play examples, 2) middleware (I-NUCLEO-LRWAN firmware) features are bond to USI with its own bugs and non-open source 3) lack of documentation (but there is some on GitHub: https://github.com/USIWP1Module/USI_I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1).
edit: found I-CUBE-LRWAN 1.1.4 download link in neighbouring topic (https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000Acn0HQSQY/is-there-a-patch-for-the-st-irwan121-because-i-didnt-find-an-old-version-of-the-stm32cubeexpansionlrwan-project-to-apply-the-available-patches, provided by @Community member): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1s6FfDQi7rhOwWhw1iOlF76DH0ag9gM3v that must be compatible with corresponding patch: https://github.com/USIWP1Module/USI_I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1/tree/master/I-CUBE-LRWAN_patchs/I-CUBE-LRWAN%201.1.4
2019-09-27 1:56 AM
@jarjar, There were Patch 1.2.2 released recently by USI: https://github.com/USIAndyrich/USI_I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1/tree/master/I-CUBE-LRWAN_patchs/I-CUBE-LRWAN%201.2.2 So we can finally try and use latest I-CUBE-LRWAN package.