2023-05-09 5:34 AM
For a project of mine, I would like to use on B-L4S5I-IOT01A IoT discovery kit both Wi-Fi ® (Inventek Systems ISM43362-M3G-L44) module and Bluetooth® Low Energy (BlueNRG-M0) module, in simultaneous.
Reading the user manual for the board (UM2708) I saw that the Bluetooth module works exclusively on SPI3 and that the Wi-Fi module could work on SPI3 as well or on UART3, but all the implementations I found for the module are using a SPI for the HAL interface.
I already found a similar question but the response was not exhaustive enough and the topic is quite old. (I cannot link it but the title was: ISM43362 wifi module via UART)
My questions are:
Thank you in advance!