2018-06-07 10:51 AM
I'm sorry terrible English.
I think there is miss coding In the sample code of BLE1, in hrm_profile_application.c line 104.
after the 'if' condition,
profileGetAddressFunc is changed parameter, not
It seems strange.
* @brief Initialize the Application Context for using the HRM profile methods * @param None * @retval None */void HR_Appl_Context_Init(void){ if (profileApplContext.profileApplicationProcessFunc == NULL) ////////////// here { profileApplContext.profileGetAddressFunc = HRProfileGetAddress; } if (profileApplContext.profileApplNotifyFunc == NULL) { profileApplContext.profileApplNotifyFunc = Profile_Appl_Evt_Notify; } if (profileApplContext.initProfileFunc == NULL) { profileApplContext.initProfileFunc = Init_Profile; } if (profileApplContext.advertizeFunc == NULL) { profileApplContext.advertizeFunc = Advertize; }if (profileApplContext.profileStateMachineFunc == NULL)
{ profileApplContext.profileStateMachineFunc = HRProfile_StateMachine; } if (profileApplContext.profileApplicationProcessFunc == NULL) { profileApplContext.profileApplicationProcessFunc = HR_Application_Process; }Init_heartRateMeas();
}2018-06-13 03:19 AM
Dear Nitadori-san,
thanks for your feedback.
It is a typo which has been already fixed. The correction will be included in the very next release expected by the end of June.
Kind regards