2018-08-29 03:02 AM
I am new to BLE techniology and I recently finished a BLE training and just know the basics of BLE.
1. Establish a connection over BLE between the BlueNRG-MS (Central Role/GATT-Client) and third-party device (Peripheral Role/GATT-Server).
i. I could establish a connection (Using "aci_gap_start_general_discovery_proc" and "aci_gap_create_connection" ) but when the third-party device is disconnected, the BlueNRG-MS device doesn't know.
Is there any mechanism in BlueNRG-MS to know that the connection is not active anymore?
2. Read and write to GATT characteristics (e.g. temperature, pressure, LEDs etc.).
i. When i read a gatt characteristic using aci_gatt_read_charac_val(), the third-party device receives and processes it. But I do not know whether the BlueNRG-MS device received the response from the read request as no GATT event (Evt_Blue_Gatt_Procedure_Cmplt/Evt_Blue_Att_Read_Resp) is generated on BlueNRG-MS.
ii. I could use "aci_gatt_write_charac_value()" and successfully control the LED's on third-party device. Here as well, GATT event "Evt_Blue_Gatt_Procedure_Cmplt" is not generated.
I feel the events on BlueNRG-MS GATT layer are not getting generated. I have initialized the GATT layer using aci_gatt_init() during initialization of BlueNRG-MS stack. Am i missing something here?
I really appreciate your help.
Thank you very much in advance.
Best Regards
2018-08-30 05:19 AM
UPDATE: I guess, the events on BlueNRG-MS GATT layer are not getting generated, although i have initialized GATT layer using aci_gatt_init() during BlueNRG-MS stack initialization.
Best Regards