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I am planning to test S2LP in Tx mode and want to see the data transmitted on the oscilloscope. How do I provide the synchronization signal for the oscilloscope?

Associate II

I am planning to test S2LP in Tx mode. I was considering to observe the data transmitted by S2LP in Txmode on an oscilloscope. How do I provide the synchronization signal for the oscilloscope? Or alternatively, is there any way to what is the data transmitted in Tx mode as compared to data sent via SPIto S2LP for transmission?


What is wrong about the usuall rising/falling edge triggered mode of the oscilloscope?

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Associate II

Hi Javier,

I am using PIE encoded data for which the duty cycle is different for bi-0 and bit-1. I thought for using the rising/falling edge of the oscilloscope as a trigger, the data should have equal duty cycle/frequency for all the bits. What do you think?

No idea of what PIE is.

What oscilloscope do you have¿

Some of them have a pulse-width trigger mode you could find useful.

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