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How integrate my own touch driver with TouchGFX

Associate II

Hi everyone!

I'm trying to integrate my own touch controller with TouchGFX on a custom board. My touch driver gives me XY coordinates of an event (press or release). Basically with this information I can do whaterver I want. So, for example, I can change color of a box when that box is pressed simulating a button.

But if I want to use the button widget with an interaction, TouchGFX generates a buttonCallbackHandler that execute code. How can I tell TouchGFX that, if my touch driver tell me that a XY coordinate relative to the button is pressed, it should call the buttonCallbackHandler?

Hopefully I wrote it clear. If it's not feel free to ask.

Thank you.


Associate II

Hi Niko,


Did you find a way to do it.

I am struck with the same.

Thank you,
