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hidSetDeviceDiscoverable returns BLE_STATUS_INVALID_ADV_FLAGS why ?


Hey Team, iv had some issues trying to modify the BLE_HID_Peripheral example.

Iv modified the report descriptor and can confirm it works on another BLE ic.

The only things iv changed outside the report descriptor are just the config_hid function.

At hidSetDeviceDiscoverable it returns BLE_STATUS_INVALID_ADV_FLAGS

"  * @brief The discoverability flags in the advertising data are not coherent

 *     with the discoverability mode set in the advertising configuration"

but to my understanding here the hiddevice_init sets that up

uint8_t Configure_HidPeripheral(void) 
  uint8_t ret;
  batteryService_Type battery;
  devInfService_Type devInf;
  hidService_Type hid;
  connParam_Type connParam;
  /* HID Peripheral Init */
  connParam.interval_min = 9;
  connParam.interval_max = 10;
  connParam.slave_latency = 0;
  connParam.timeout_multiplier = 300;
    * @brief  Initializes the  HID Device with Peripheral Role and
    * sets the public address.
    * @param IO_Capability Sets the device IO capabilities. Possible value are:
    * @param connParam Connection parameter to send to the
    * HID Host after bonding/service discovery
    * @param dev_name_len Device name length
    * @param dev_name Device name
    * @param identity_address_type The type of own adress. It must be one between
    *                              @ref PUBLIC_ADDR or @ref STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR.
    * @retval Status of the call.
  ret = hidDevice_Init(IO_CAP_DISPLAY_ONLY, connParam, sizeof(dev_name), dev_name, STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR);
  if (ret != BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    PRINTF("Error in hidDevice_Init() 0x%02x\n", ret);
    return ret;
  /* Set the HID Peripheral Security */
    * @brief Configures the device for LE Security Mode 1 and either Security Level 2 or 3
    * To set the Security Level 2 the MITM mode param shall be equal to FALSE, all the other params are ignored.
    * To set the Security Level 3 the MITM mode param shall be equal to TRUE, the other params shall be used to
    * signal if the device uses a fixed PIN or not.
    * @param MITM_Mode MITM mode. TRUE to set the security level 3, FALSE to set the security level 2
    * @param fixedPinUsed TRUE to use a fixed PIN, FALSE otherwise. If the MITM_Mode param is FALSE, this param is ignored
    * @param fixedPinValue PIN value
    * @retval Status of the call.
  ret = hidSetDeviceSecurty(TRUE, TRUE, 123456);
  if (ret != BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    PRINTF("Error in hidSetDeviceSecurty() 0x%02x\n", ret);
    return ret;
  /* Set the HID Idle Timeout */
  /* Set the TX Power */
  ret = aci_hal_set_tx_power_level(0, 24);
  if (ret != BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    PRINTF("Error with aci_hal_set_tx_power_level() 0x%02x\n", ret);
    return ret;
  /**** Setup the GATT Database ****/
  /* Battery Service */
  battery.inReportMap = FALSE;
  /* Device Information Service */
  memcpy(devInf.manufacName, "ST Micro", 8);
  memcpy(devInf.modelNumber, "0001", 4);
  memcpy(devInf.fwRevision, "0630", 4);
  memcpy(devInf.swRevision, "0001", 4);
  devInf.pnpID[0] = 0x01;
  devInf.pnpID[1] = 0x30;
  devInf.pnpID[2] = 0x00;
  devInf.pnpID[3] = 0xfc;
  devInf.pnpID[4] = 0x00;
  devInf.pnpID[5] = 0xec;
  devInf.pnpID[6] = 0x00;
  /* HID Service */
  //hid = hid_param;
  hid.bootSupport 							= FALSE;			// no boot support
  hid.reportSupport					 		= FALSE;			// i would guess it would support a report characteristic
  hid.num_reports 							= NUM_REPORTS; // What defines the amount of reports characteristics ? (is it referring to byte allocation for the report ?)
  hid.reportReferenceDesc 					= reportReferenceDesc;
  hid.reportReferenceDesc[0].ID 			= REPORT_ID;
  hid.reportReferenceDesc[0].type 			= INPUT_REPORT;
  hid.reportReferenceDesc[1].ID 			= REPORT_ID;
  hid.reportReferenceDesc[1].type 			= OUTPUT_REPORT;
  hid.isBootDevKeyboard 					= FALSE;
  hid.isBootDevMouse 						= FALSE;
  hid.externalReportEnabled 				= FALSE;  // not sure was 0
  hid.includedServiceEnabled 				= FALSE;
  hid.informationCharac[0] 					= 0x01;
  hid.informationCharac[1] 					= 0x01;
  hid.informationCharac[2] 					= 0;
  hid.informationCharac[3] 					= 0x01;
  hid.reportDescLen = sizeof(reportDesc);		    /** Report Descriptor length */
  hid.reportDesc = reportDesc;						/** Report Descriptor */
  	  	//adds all services
//  Adds the Primary service and the characteristics associated
//   * for the battery, device information and hid services.
  ret = hidAddServices(&battery, &devInf, &hid);
  if (ret != BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    PRINTF("Error in hidAddServices() 0x%02x\n for &battery ", ret);
    return ret;
  /* Set the HID Peripheral device discoverable */
    * @brief Starts the peripheral device discoverable mode. This mode is ended
    * when either the upper layer issues a command to terminate the procedure
    * using the command hidTerminateDiscoverableMode() or the
    * timeout happens (timeout value is 180 s).
    * @param mode Discoverable mode to use:
    * @param nameLen Local name length. Max 20
    * @param name Local name value
    * @retval Status of the
  ret = hidSetDeviceDiscoverable(LIMITED_DISCOVERABLE_MODE, sizeof(dev_name), dev_name);
  if (ret != BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    PRINTF("Error in hidSetDeviceDiscoverable() 0x%02x\n", ret);
    return ret;
  PRINTF("HID gamepad Configured\n");
  /* Button Init */


int main(void)
  uint8_t ret;
  /* System initialization function */
  if (SystemInit(SYSCLK_64M, BLE_SYSCLK_32M) != SUCCESS) 
    /* Error during system clock configuration take appropriate action */
  /* Configure IOs for pwer save modes */
  /* Configure I/O communication channel */
  /* BlueNRG-LP stack init */
  /* Application demo Led Init 
     BSP_LED1 = Sensor configuration led 
     BSP_LED3 = Connection led
  BSP_LED_Init(BSP_LED2); // Led on when not sleeping
  /* Clock Init */
  /* Set HID Service params */
  /* Configure HID Peripheral and put the device in discoverable mode */
  ret = Configure_HidPeripheral();
  if (ret != BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    PRINTF("Error in configure_hid_peripheral() 0x%02x\n", ret);
  while(1) {
    /* Application Tick */
    /* Device Power Save Management Procedures */