2020-07-29 11:15 PM
We are using BlueNRG2 chip for our BLE application.
For the Information,
We have connected 32MHz external crystal oscillator in HS Pins..
We haven't connected any external crystal oscillator at LS Pins..
And we haven't connected any inductor at SMPS pins of BlueNRG2....
We have selected configurations in the firmware accordingly, even though we are not able to start the BlueNRG2 application and the MCU is stuck at the while(CKGEN_BLE->CLK32K_IT == 0); point in DeviceConfiguration() function.
It is indicating that the "Wait until HS is ready. The slow clock period
measurement is done automatically each time the-
device enters in active2 state and the HS is ready.
The interrupt signals that a measurement is done."
Please help us out to indentify the issue.
2021-05-12 2:03 PM
Hi @nrbhatt007 did you solve this issue? I am facing the same problem on the BLUENRG-M2SP module.
2022-06-30 1:19 AM
Hello @nrbhatt007 and @AWald.2
i have same problem
did you find a solution ?
2023-05-31 1:13 AM
Did any of you ever find a solution to this?