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Data Mode to Command Mode

Nandy K
Associate II
Posted on January 22, 2016 at 10:02


I have connected my Wi-Fi module  with a client and now I am getting the commands

+WIND:61: Incoming Socket Client :

+WIND:60: Now in Data Mode

now I want to get back to  command mode.

I have tried hitting escape button , Also I tried sending AT+S. without <CR><LF>

it is not working. How can i get back to command mode ?

Also they suggest to send escape sequence(how can i send escape sequence ?) 
Posted on January 22, 2016 at 11:48


If escape_seq is ''at+s.'', you must use ''at+s.''

''AT+S.'' is a generic data, not an escape sequence.

Nandy K
Associate II
Posted on January 22, 2016 at 12:09

at+s. is working when I copy paste it directly into the hyper terminal

but when I send it from my client through UART it is not working ?????

Posted on January 22, 2016 at 12:13

Probably because your client is not sending ''at+s.'', without timeouts between chars.

I gave you all requirements above. Read the manuals too.

Nandy K
Associate II
Posted on January 22, 2016 at 12:24

Ok I will use the manual.

One final stupid question for now

Is it possible to configure the module to run some commands automatically on startup or reset ?

Ex: when I restart the module the following command should load automatically


AT+S.SOCKD=<port number(some value)>