2016-07-11 02:48 AM
Hi all,
I am working with the following hardware to obtain a ''proof of concept'' before starting new hardware development: ------------------------ - STM32L476 discovery - IDW01M1 nucleo board Connected the two boards, using L476 USART2 for communication with IDW01M1. This is the Access Point. -------------------- - STM32F746 discovery - IDW01M1 nucleo board This is the ''client''. ------------------- Software: using STM32CubeExpansion for WiFi v2.1.0 libraries ; I am writing application code using FreeRTOS. L476: started ''mini AP mode'' with IDW01M1 and activated ''socket server'' mode ; this is OK. F746: it connects to the mini AP and successfully opens a socket. Back to L476: when the client opens the socket, this triggers a call to ''ind_socket_server_client_joined'', which puts a state variable to ''write mode''. Main loop then executes a ''wifi_socket_server_write'' to ''push'' an UNSOLICITED message to the client. These are the problems (message is ''TEST1''): 1) client side: I receive ''AT+S.\r\nTEST1''. Client sends this back to server as an ack. Why am I receiving ''AT+S.'' ??? It's the sequence of the server to put it on data mode... 2) server side: the answer from the client gets lost, because it arrives when the ''server'' is still in ''data mode'' and going to ''command mode''. See ''wifi_socket_server_write'' in wifi_interface.c :if(HAL_UART_Transmit(&UartWiFiHandle, (uint8_t *)pData, DataLength,1000)!= HAL_OK){
//HAL_Delay(100);//Wait for tx before switching back to command mode
<<<<<<< HERE I receive the answer from the client !!! >>>>>>>
/*Switch back to Command Mode*/
WiFi_switch_to_command_mode();//switch by default
//Wait till command_mode is active
__NOP(); //nothing to do
If I follow the execution with debugger I see that the answer from the client is later discarded. On the server: the problem seems that the server wants to return to command mode after sending data to client, and this introduces a concurrency issue. On the client... receiving AT+S ? --------------------------------- Any help on this is highly appreciated : what am I doing wrong ? The idea is to open a socket and then have a full duplex ''transparent'' connection ; about point 2 (concurrency) I could try with client asking and server answering, but I would loose full duplex... Thanks, best regards