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Configure channel spacing in S2LP



I'm trying to develop a simple radio with S2LP, my objective is just to send and receive simple packets.

However I've detected that the default channel spacing is set to ~100KHz, at least in my unit.

I want to change that to 25KHz, according to the datasheet I should edit the "CHSPACE" (0x0C) register, after doing it, I found out the spacing is not consistent, the default value of "0x3F" isn't 100Khz but slightly less and I can't get to a point where it jumps exactly 25Khz.

There isn't any information about how to jump an exact amount of Hz or what does "0x3F" mean.

It is noted that I should refer to the following equation:

0693W00000WJwyjQAD.pngYet I don't understand how this is related to the channel spacing, since it is describing how the chip decides which antenna to use based on the RSSI measured on each one of its antennas. The only field I find familiar with the topic would be "CHFLT_E", which after editing doesn't make any change.

Thank you in advance!