2022-02-22 11:53 PM
Hardware used: "STEVAL-BCN002V1" BlueTile connected Via "STEVAL-BCN002V1D"
Compiler Used: "Atollic True STUIDIO version 9.3.0"
Flasher used: "RF-Flasher Utility v4.2.0"
Source Code/Firmware used: "STSW-BLUETILE-DK 1.3.0"
Debugger/SWD: STLink /V2
I flashed the STSW-BLUETILE-DK 1.3.0\Firmware\BLE_Examples\ BLE_SensorDemo\BlueNRG-2\BLE_SensorDemo(withOTAResetManager).hex on the BlueTile and it worked as expected i.e. device listed in "ST BLE Sensor app" and could connect to it etc...
Now I build the binary myself by using Atollic True STUIDIO version 9.3.0 for the "STSW-BLUETILE-DK 1.3.0\Project\BLE_Examples\BLE_SensorDemo\TrueSTUDIO\BlueNRG-2", can build without any errors/warnings, but when flashed, I see the LED on the BlueTile turn solid GREEN. Device is not seen in ST BLE Sensor app.
While building the binary I am using the default compiler settings and configurations.
To test simple application, I flashed
"STSW-BLUETILE-DK 1.3.0\Firmware\BlueNRG1_Periph_Examples\Micro\ Hello_World\BlueNRG-2" which does work (I could see prints on UART output)
"STSW-BLUETILE-DK 1.3.0\Project\BlueNRG1_Periph_Examples\Micro\ Hello_World\TrueSTUDIO\BlueNRG-2"
So to me it seems that some compiler settings could be wrong. Or the binaries is not generated out of the sources given here. Also, its' very well possible that the binaries might have been generated out of KEIL or IAR and not tested for TrueSTUDIO, which I am using.
Further I tried to debug the Micro_Helllo_World, I could see RESET_HANDLER() is getting hit, but it will never reach main. I see the data segment start and end (_sdata and _edata), bss section start and end (_sbss and _ebss), have some values which doesn't match with that MAP file content.
Any leads into this are very helpful.
2022-02-23 2:43 AM
Hi @Vishwanatha Hattera ,
May be issue could be linked to Atollic version :
From BlueNRG-2 SDK release note, atollic v8.1 must be consider
Note that on latest SDK projects release, Atollic project were replaced by Wise Studio (arm gcc based)
Alternatively, if you are working with STEVAL-BCN002V1, KEIL IDE can be consider.
A free license is available for BlueNRG here
2022-02-24 2:36 AM
Thank you for your answers Sebastien.
Yes, I found this hard way, using KEIL IDE I was able to build and run the project. So my issue is solved as of now.
Just to help others facing similar problem, I am adding few more points and questions below.
V8.1.0 points to the latest version of True Studio 9.3.0 and I didn't find any documentation which mentioned that I should be using V8.1.0. I did check the .cproject file which mention about the version as V8.1.0.
In the utility folder of "STSW-BLUETILE-DK 1.3.0", I don't see the file "(Atollic_8_1_0_ST-Link_patch_BlueNRG-1_2_Win_V1.0.zip". Is this file kept somewhere else?
Where do I find "refer to Solved Issue: ID 5594"? Any particular link(s)?
From the link https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/stsw-bluenrg1-dk.html, to use WISE Studio, we need to use the "STSW-BLUENRG1-DK", which seems NOT to have the project for the "STEVAL-BCN002V1".
2022-02-24 3:05 AM
Hi @Vishwanatha Hattera ,
In the utility folder of "STSW-BLUETILE-DK 1.3.0", I don't see the file "(Atollic_8_1_0_ST-Link_patch_BlueNRG-1_2_Win_V1.0.zip". Is this file kept somewhere else?
This was part of previous STSW-BLUENRG1-DK version - This was removed from latest SDK version following switch to Wise studio.