2017-07-21 12:37 AM
Hi there, i'm trying to establish a communication between nucleo64 stm32f401 with idb05a1 bluetooth module and a sensor tile. I can make 2 nucleo 'talk', but i can't do it with the sensor tile. In my project the nucleo is sending data and the sensor tile should receive. So my question is, how could i do this? could you give me some guide lines to establish a proper bluetooth connection? Ty all for the support
2017-07-28 5:15 AM
Dear Ugo Bruno,
I guess that your problem is due to the fact that you are running incompatible applications on your devices, i.e. applications based on different application protocols (i.e. with different services and characteristics).
Also, keep into account that you can configure a BLE device to act as Central or Peripheral. If both devices are set as Peripheral (or if both are set as Central), you won't be able to establish communication between them. You need one of them working as Central and the other one as Peripheral.
By the way, if the application example you are using is meant to be used with a smartphone, then it means that your device is working as Peripheral, while the smartphone is the Central.
If you can successfully establish communication between two STM32 Nucleo boards, you could try porting on the SensorTile the same application code that you are currently running on one of the Nucleos.
Hope that helps,