2019-08-20 9:15 AM
Bringing up BlueNRG2 (in network co-processor mode). Using the following call on the host MCU (after aci_gap_init():(
For setting the Device Name characteristic (0x2A00) of the Generic Access Service (0x1800) seems to be limited to 7 characters. Setting a string of 8 or more returns a bad parameters code. I realise there's a packet size limitation (unless BLE >= 4.2 + MTU reconfigure after connection) but 7 seems a bit short, is this simply a limitation imposed by ST in the BlueNRG2 stack or am I missing a call?
The complete advertised name I have set is working fine (13 chars).
I notice the example STML4 projects use small device names.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-08-21 8:14 AM
Found the answer in PM0257: Yes the characteristic is limited to 8 chars (I'm guessing 7 + NULL).
2019-08-21 8:14 AM
Found the answer in PM0257: Yes the characteristic is limited to 8 chars (I'm guessing 7 + NULL).