2015-07-21 2:00 AM
Hello, i'm using aBlueNRG-MS module.
I have a problem with this module. I can use it as Master and Slave, but i can't use it as Master&Slave simultaneously. Because after i create a connection with a slave module i can't make the Master discoverable.what can i do? is there an example of using the BlueNRG as Master&Slave simultaneously ?Thanks!Stefano #bluenrg-master&slave2015-07-21 2:37 AM
Hi Stefano,
At the following link
you can download BlueNRG GUI DK, under folder ''...\STMicroelectronics\BlueNRG DK 1.7.1\Application\scripts\BlueNRG-MS_Simultaneous_Master_Slave_mode'' you can find three scripts that permits to emulate a Device as slave, one as Master&Slave and another as Master. For further information, please see documentation.
By the end of this week, we'll publish a newer version. Anyway, now you can download the current version and after reinstall the newer.
Regards, Graziella Marchese2015-07-21 3:33 AM
Thanks for reply. The examples are available only in pyton or there are samples in c.
ThanksStefano2015-07-21 3:53 AM
Hi Stefano,
The scripts are written only in python. In C you can find some examples (IAR project) as Chat, beacon, sensor demo and so on. Regards, GM2015-12-01 6:36 AM
Hi Stefano
I'm facing to the same problem. Did you find a solution ? Renaud2015-12-09 6:20 AM
2016-01-13 3:52 AM
Dear Custoerms,
Have you resolved? If no, please tell us: - your scenario/ sequence of command - what/where fail occurs - etcc.. regards, GM2016-01-28 6:12 AM
Dear GM
I have faced with the same problems... So, I want to use module in master/slave mode simultaneously, but when I am trying to run aci_gap_start_general_discovery_proc when master already connected to module function returns error = 0x82 Can I search devices in master mode if I have already connected to master in slave mode? Regards, Andrei Kukenov2016-01-29 2:47 AM
Dear Support
I finnay managed to connect one slave in master mode and establish connect in slave mode... But after a few seconds connection is lost, moreover when I try to update characteristic value function retuns error code = 0x64 (BLE_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES), although I update it just once per second. Also immediately after connection with slave I have got vendor event with ecode = 0x407, can you explain, what is this event? Regards, Andrei Kukenov2016-02-05 3:04 AM
I have faced with the same problems: I want to use module in master/slave mode simultaneously, but when I trying to run aci_gap_start_general_discovery_proc when device already connected to module function returns error = 0x85Can I search devices in master mode if I have already connected to master in slave mode?I need to have some device that alternately can receive (or send) advertisement to discovery new device and connect with them and send information to the devices with it is already connected.What can I do?