2016-05-25 5:08 AM
Please help to clarify the following... I would like to do script to merge image file with required ifr config. To check my tools I have used ''bluenrg_img_converter.exe'' converter provided ST. So I have found that this converter distorts four bytes of the original firmware (b'BLUE' -> b'FFFFFFFF'') because original image realy has 'BLUE' on this place.2016-05-25 3:04 PM
This is what is called the Blue FLAG in the documentation. The normal flashing process is:
- erase the memory (fills it with FF) - write the firmware, the firmware image purposely doesn't write the flag - read back the written firmware and do the CRC calculations and checks - write the flag using the ACI_HAL_UPDATER_RESET_BLUE_FLAG command Note that the chip will not boot if the flag is not set properly, instead the bootloader will start with the ACI_BLUE_INITIALIZED_EVENT event and Reason_Code = 0x03: 'Updater mode entered due to bad Blue Flag'. Have a look at the BlueNRG-MS_firmware_update.py script in your BlueNRG DK 1.9.0\Application\scripts\Firmware_update folder. Hope this helps :)2016-05-26 12:03 AM
Hello Christian
Thanks a lot for your help!!! Please can you provide me documentation with description of image structure Regards, Andrei Kukenov