2021-03-11 11:44 PM
I created a BLE peripheral using a BlueNRG-MS chip. I can connect on this peripheral using a BlueNRG-M2 (using BlueNRG GUI) and read the services.
However, it does not work when I try to connect with an android device (I use "BLE Scanner" app, Bluepixel Technologies). Here are the steps :
5. The android app seems to try to connect during 10s, then it says "connection failed" �?��?
I tested different android apps and the result is the same. I guess there are some parameters incompatible with android bluetooth ?
The android app (BLE Scanner) is working with BlueNRG-M2 controlled with BluenRG GUI.
Thanks for reading,
Best regards,
2021-03-19 8:34 AM
I update my thread since I do not find any clue about the fact I can't connect BlueNRG-MS with my android phone.
The chip I use is BLUENRG-78A6P (or maybe "BLUENRG-7BA6P") on the STEVAL-IDB005V1D eval board.
I can't find any information on this chip, but maybe this chip is old, so the firmware is obsolete ?
Best regards,