2022-07-11 10:34 AM
I am trying to evaluate the BlueNRG-332AC using the IDB012V1A eval board.
I have setup the BlueNRG GUI software. However, when trying to connect to the COM port, provided by the eval board, it says "No device detected!" followed by "No firmware detected on the motherboard. Update motherboard Firmware (under Tools menu)."
After performing the firmware upgrade (Tools -> Flash Motherboard FW) with "BlueNRG GUI 4.3.0\Firmware\STEVAL-IDB012V1\USB_CMSISDAP\USB_CMSISDAP_LPS.hex", which processes successfully, nothing changes. (Also repowering, etc.)
In the BlueNRG GUI manual (UM2058) I have read, that the target MCU firmware has to be programmed, before being usably together with BlueNRG GUI. This is referred to in chapter 2.1.3.
Here, programming the "DTM_UART_WITH_UPDATER.hex" (or _SPI_) firmware is suggested to be flashed, by putting it on the virtual SD card. However, the flashing operation fails. The virtual SD card disappears, then reappears without .hex file but with "FAIL.TXT" stating "error: The interface firmware FAILED to reset/halt the target MCU - type: target".
Can anyone help, how I can use the IDB012V1A eval board together with the BlueNRG GUI?
Thank you very much!
Best Regards,
2022-07-19 9:35 AM
Can you try below steps?
2022-07-20 5:31 AM