2017-11-06 11:44 PM
Hello, I'm starting for STEVAL-IDB007V1 with demo BLE_Security for beacon app.
All clear, advertising process normal, the connection is established.
The aim of my project is the device with CR2032 power. But in process configuring my device I can`t achieve the consumption less than 120 uA because at long SW timer interval (more than ~1500 mSec) I see high current consumption after each wakeup of sw timer.
It looks like peakmailto:200mA@200mSec
while execution BTLE_StackTick() and empty App_Tick(), then SoC goes sleep and 1 second later consumption grow up to 2,5..2,mA@1sec:(
. Tracing program execution by UART and LED`s doesn`t show any CPU activity.I can`t understand, what part of SoC/code is utilized and how to control it or switch off? Probably this is some actions by BLE periphery? Can I set a longer interval for wakeup timer (ex. 1 min)?
Note: at small timer update rate (less than 2000 msec) only first small peak has occurred.
A similar pattern still valid for Sleep_Test example with disabled BL radio...
2017-11-19 10:09 PM
Solved. In my case I use wrong point to measure Idd, and STM32L151 wake up some time after BlueNRG with a parasit power at Rx/Tx lines.
Correct activity is obtained while measured Idd over JP4. But values still much greatr, then specified in datasheet - around 20 uA at advertising once at 5 sec.
2019-01-31 4:39 AM
how u plot the current graph??