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BLE Mesh support on STM32F030R8


Hello there,

I am working on Smart Home project using BLE technology. The system needs to have a BLE mesh network to control smart switches.

I wanted to use STM32F030R8 connected with SPBTLE-RF BLE chip for BLE mesh network. When I searched for the same, I found cube package X-CUBE-BLEMESH1 which includes BLE mesh code ported for some ST microcontroller series like L1, F4 etc. I have tried to add package in STM32CubeMX v5.2.0 using "From Local" option but, it says the Cube version doesn't support this package.

I want to generate or port the BLE MESH code for STM32F030R8.

Please help me to generate a code (for IDE SW4STM32) which supports BLE MESH on STM32F030R8 connected with STBTLE-RF.

Thanks in advance.



As you already checked.., You can refer to X-CUBE-BLEMESH1 ( )

The STM32F0 is not supported but we support by default examples on NUCLEO-L152RE, NUCLEO-L476RG or NUCLEO-F401RE development boards.

The CubeMx do not support this package

Please do consider BlueNRG-1 and BlueNRG-2 as well. The package is supported here STSW-BNRG-Mesh . Please use Keil (Free License for Cortex M0 core on ST) or IAR compiler for this