2020-02-07 12:46 AM
As part of a student project, we are trying to implement the BLE-Mesh library on the SensorTile. We are trying to do it by editing the demo application provided here : https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/x-cube-blemesh1.html
We saw that the SensorTile is equipped with a BlueNRG-MS chip, and a STM32L476JG, while the demo application use a STM32L476RG, but we tried anyway.
However, when we try to run the application in the SensorTile, the application does not finish the BlueNRG-Mesh lib initialization completly (see screenshot attached). We have included the pre-compiled lib in our project.
Do you know why the initialization isn't successful, and what we should do to fix that ?
Or if it is even possible do implement Bluetooth Mesh on a SensorTile ?
2020-02-09 09:04 PM
Thanks for choosing BLE-Mesh for SensorTile.
Generally the BlueNRG-MS shall have latest BLE stack 7.2c or above. Can you double-check it if the stack in BlueNRG-MS is this version or later ?
You can try to upgrade it and try the mesh again
2020-02-10 01:08 AM
Thanks for your answer.
I have checked and we have the 7.2c version of the BLE stack.
I will try to upgrade it nonetheless.
2020-02-10 11:54 PM
Try to crosscheck the SPI I/O for sensortile (major issue)
Use the HCI layer as provided in X-CUBE-BLEMESH1
Also can you please Increase some delay (400 ms ) after setting RESET pin of spi in BlueNRG_RST (stm32_bluenrg_ble.c)
and use the BlueNRG_RST at the end of HCI_Init