2014-05-13 6:41 PM
When the BlueNRG stack will support version 4.1 of the BLE?RegardsMichel2014-06-05 7:05 AM
Hi Michel,
I'm apologize but we are not entitled to deliver advanced information on deliverables under development via forum. What I can say that the BluNRG will support 4.1 in the near future. Regards, Graziella2014-09-11 5:43 AM
I'm wondering about progress of supporting BT 4.1? This near future already takes three months and there is nothing new or i missed it? Thanks. BR, Matej2014-09-12 6:36 AM
Hi Matej,
I'm sorry, but as I have already written ,we are not entitled to deliver advanced information on deliverables under development via forum.