2017-01-06 11:54 PM
The function aci_gatt_update_char_value fails initially....and if fails there is while(1) loop...so system stuck here....what is issue ? after debugging it observed that function returns BLE_STATUS_TIMEOUT.....can you suggest solution for issue
2017-01-09 1:50 AM
We have forums setup to ask questions which you can see from the forums menu at the top of this page. Which ST product are you working with?
2017-01-09 2:55 AM
We are using Bluetooth module BlueNRG-MS
2017-01-09 4:11 AM
Could you look at the list of options in the Forums menu and let me know which option is the correct one? E.g.
or , thanks.2017-01-09 4:23 AM
2017-01-09 4:39 AM
I have moved this thread to
. , orGallucci.Gerardo
can you help with this question or tag someone who could?Thanks
2017-01-10 3:05 AM
I replied to this question here: