2021-10-04 7:00 AM
Hello, is there a way (after applying a calibration such as offset calibration or crosstalk calibration) to return the sensor back to the default calibration that was performed at ST? If so, which I2C commands would perform this job?
2021-10-06 11:13 AM
The VL53 sensors have no permanent memory. So to reset the chip back to orginal, all you have to do is drop the power. When it comes back up, you are back to original.
The calibration was correct when it left the factory. But experience has shown that reflowing the sensor changes the settings somewhat.
so offset re-calibration is suggested for best operation.
The crosstalk calibration is dependent on your coverglass, so that has to be done as well.
2021-10-07 5:51 AM
Okay, Thanks! After performing said calibration (e.g. offset calibration) how do I save this new calibration as the default calibration? In other words, Is there a way to configure the sensor to use this new offset calibration (instead of the factory calibration) after power cycling the device, and without performing the offset calibration procedure after each and every power cycle?
2021-10-14 5:11 AM
@John E KVAM Please see the reply above. Thanks!
2021-10-14 7:14 AM
look through the functions in the API. There will be something like get_Calibration and set_calibration. These two functions are the inverse of each other. They will enable you to extract the data and put it back. It's up to you to decide how and where to store it.
If you use the VL53 evaluation kit you can see how this works by going to to the calibration page.