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TeseoIII carrier phase binary image

Associate II

Please could someone point me in the direction of this binary? I'm wishing to acquire the raw carrier phase from our teseo-liv3f implementation.

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I was unable to get this and I tried quite hard.

In talking to ST and others like myself doing RINEX and RTK stuff, it became apparent that the design is VERY noisy, the proximity of the QSPI Flash die to the baseband and RF downconverters is non-optimal. I tend to determine the effectiveness of a design implementation from the raw measurements.

I also expressed interest in the Teseo V.

I'm doing work with uBlox ZED-F9 L1/L2 GNSS receivers now.

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Thanks, I obviously considered ZED-F9 but they're an order of magnitude more expensive. You are of course correct, I was hoping to perform RTK with the device. Has TeseoV seen daylight yet?

Francesco Virlinzi
ST Employee


Teseo-LIV3F doesn't support raw carrier phase.

In ST we offer other Teseo 3 IC which supports raw carrier phase.



Thanks, but I think that this binary is required for those IC to provide the carrier phase too. Before I respin a board design to use this other, could you please tell me where the binary is available from?

Associate II

Thanks, but I think that this binary is required for those IC to provide the carrier phase too. Before I respin a board design to use this other, could you please tell me where the binary is available from?


On Teseo-LIV3F there is no firmware available to support Carrier phase.

While in case of IC the firmware can be provided by local contact/FAE

