2025-02-13 8:26 AM
Hi all,
We're having trouble getting the module to respond to the message "$PSTMEPHEM" We're attempting to upload ephemeris data but the module is ignoring the message, ie: the module is not responding with either "PSTMEPHEMOK" or '"PSTMEPHEMERROR"
To help debug this, we did the following,
We are able to get/set parameters, init time and position, and dump ephemeris data just fine, but we can't seem to get a response to the 'PSTMEPHEM' message, try as we might.
Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance,
2025-02-26 10:02 AM
Hi Jake,
I checked with our development engineers. In LIV4F, we have not implemented PSTMEPHEM. We will implement this in our next release.
Have you looked at our LIV3FL module? This is pin-to-pin with LIV4F and can support EPHEM injection. LIV3FL also has STAGPS built-in which STs proprietary Assisted GNSS. You would not need to explicitly inject EPH and we would do the ephermeris prediction internally.
2025-02-26 10:15 AM
GalaxyQuest, thank you for checking into this for me. Do you mean in the next firmware release for the LIV4F, you will be including PSTMEPHEM, or in the next LIV# module release? If it is a new firmware release, do you have any estimate of when it will be available? We have previously considered the LIV3FL, but decided on the LIV4F due to the increased accuracy and access to the L5 band.
Thanks again,
2025-02-26 10:36 AM
Hi Jake,
I would need to check on this and get back.
2025-03-12 6:32 AM
I was wondering if there was any update on this?
Thank you,
2025-03-13 6:40 AM
Hi Jake,
Our applications team is working to add this. Please give us an additional couple of weeks for implementation and testing.
Thank you.
2025-03-13 7:04 AM
Oh, awesome! Thank you, this is very much appreciated!